Michael Kelly

Headlands Coffeehouse

Really enjoyed playing at the Headlands Coffeehouse in Northern California. Wild and soulful, sage and sea breezes vying for attention; the place, the people, and the staff made me feel at home. There were tenor sax notes still rattling in the rafters when I started playing in this jazz enclave – it was a real honor to have an opportunity to play my songs here. I imagined Kerouac and Cassidy rolling past on the sidewalk outside. Made some new friends, great audience, thanks for listening!

Frederick Coffee Company

I love playing this room. Something about the building maybe, or just the nice people that show up. Thanks to all who came out!

New Deal Cafe

Thanks to all for coming out last night. It’s so nice to see familiar faces and I appreciate SO MUCH that people came out for the show! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Frank Kayser on sound, who could ask for anything more! Special thanks to Erin Lewis for joining me on keyboards, and to my lovely wife Alison for singing on Who Found Who and The Boatbuilder.

Brewer’s Alley

Great night, always a pleasure to play this fine room! Wonderful cast of poets and musicians, fine performances by all. Justin Trawick was awesome and Todd Walker kept it all moving with expert aplomb. Finally got Rod’s belated birthday gift (Robert the Plant) in his hands. Somehow Katherine keeps smiling through it all and what a treat it was to hear Colette Rohan sing!.

Beans in the Belfry

Thanks for coming out last night. Thunderstorm threats and rising humidity didn’t deter. Nice folks, and met some new friends. Always love playing this venue.

SPCA Dog Days Cruise

It was a real howl! Great people, great dogs, great fun! I love working with these people, they do amazing work for such a good cause.

Electric Maid

What a great opportunity this was to hear Alex Smith and Dylan Rice, on tour supporting their new CD ‘Hamilton County’. Greg Cardinal played earlier and laid down some awesome 12 string guitar licks. It was a real pleasure to perform with these guys. Check ’em out if you get a chance.

Frederick Coffee Co

Great audience, really enjoyed playing this room! I’ve been invited back for a return engagement in August (Saturday, 8/16) and am looking forward to it.

Beans in the Belfry

Great way to welcome in the Summer, good folks, good times. Thanks for listening!

Joe Squared

I was joined by good friends Michael Kerr (bass) and Erin Lewis (piano) last night at Joe Squared. Nice audience, great dinner show by June Star. Love playing Joe Squared! Had a bit of a cold going on but took a friend’s advice and ate a few spoonfuls of garlic smothered in honey. It’s not for the faint of heart! I was inspired to pen the following: “Ate the garlic, sang the songs, I reeked a little, but the gig went on!”